And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”
Mark 16:15
Jesus commanded and commissioned every one of His followers to make disciples. This begins with baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit when they first come to repent of their sins and place saving faith in Jesus Christ, and it continues with teaching them to observe and obey all of the commands of Christ.
As a redeemed community of Jesus followers, we are on mission together. Our members go to take the gospel to our neighbors and to the nations, sharing the good news of Jesus with those who do not yet know Him, and helping other believers take a next step of obedience in following Him.

go groups
Go Groups are a group of disciples of Jesus led by a disciple-maker with an intentional plan to take a next step of growth toward Christlikeness through consistent investment.

We are commissioned to make disciples among our neighbors and the nations. When we live on mission, we Send Disciples, Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, Reach the Unreached, and Plant Churches.
Send Disciples
We Send Disciples to our neighbors and the nations to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. Every Jesus follower is a disciple set apart to be sent out to make Jesus known. Today’s moment might be next door or at work. Tomorrow’s moment might be a week serving alongside a new church plant, a gospel advancing gap year, or a one-way ticket to live among an unreached people group. Regardless, we don’t go alone. We send one another.
Send: GO Moments We Send Disciples to seize today’s gospel moments. Our everyday moments become GO Moments when we seize the opportunity to make Jesus known.
Send: GO Groups Go Groups provide biblical community and discipling opportunities for every follower of Jesus. They are a means for pursuing a next step of growth alongside others.
Send: GO Trips We Send Disciples on GO Trips to proclaim the gospel as we Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, Reach the Unreached, and Plant Churches. GO Trips are strategic short-term trips (1-7 weeks).
Send: GO Seasons We Send Disciples on GO Seasons to proclaim the gospel as we Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, Reach the Unreached, and Plant Churches. GO Seasons are strategic mid-term mission trips (2 months – 2 years) which include unique gospel advancing opportunities specifically designed for summers, gap years and retirement.
Send: GO Stays We Send Disciples to GO Stay to proclaim the gospel as we Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, Reach the Unreached, and Plant Churches. GO Stays are strategic long-term mission appointments (2 years or longer).
Serve the Vulnerable
We Serve the Vulnerable to proclaim the gospel and make disciples as we meet basic human needs. The impact of sin is clearly visible in social injustice, poverty, suffering, and sickness. Our need for salvation is all around us. Serving those in need is an open door for gospel proclamation and discipleship. Needs are prioritized according to risk.
Serve: Social Needs We serve those whose community is at risk. We feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and resource the underprivileged.
Serve: Physical Needs We serve those whose life is at risk. We defend the value of every life and care for the suffering and helpless.
Serve: Eternal Needs We serve those whose soul is at risk. We proclaim the gospel and call our neighbors and the nations to repentance and faith in Jesus. The only hope for true restoration of people is reconciliation with God through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Train Leaders
We Train Leaders to equip churches to make disciples who make disciples and advance the gospel. Healthy churches reach the unreached. By training leaders we advance the gospel to people groups and regions that would otherwise be out of reach. Training is prioritized according to access and multiplication potential.
Train: Believers We train believers and equip every Jesus follower for the work of ministry in their homes, churches, and communities to advance the gospel.
Train: Leaders We train leaders and equip teachers, pastors, and missionaries for the work of ministry. We train leaders to train and send believers to advance the gospel.
Train: Churches We train churches and equip leaders of leaders for the work of ministry. We train churches to train and send leaders to advance the gospel. Through this multiplying work the gospel is advanced to regions otherwise out of reach.
Reach the Unreached
We Reach the Unreached to advance the gospel to all people. Unreached peoples and places are those where Christ is largely unknown and the church is not able to make Christ known in its broader population without outside help. Advancing the gospel to unreached, unengaged people is a prioritized work.
Reach: Local Access We reach all people with the gospel. We continue to make Jesus known to our neighbors and those with local access to the gospel.
Reach: Limited Access We reach all people with the gospel. We make Jesus known to those with limited access to the gospel.
Reach: No Access We reach all people with the gospel. We make Jesus known to those with no access to the gospel.
Plant Churches
We Plant Churches that plant churches to expand the reach of the gospel. The gospel is advanced through faithful local churches. We plant churches by sending, resourcing, and partnering with disciples for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel in specific communities.
Plant: Local Access We plant churches to work alongside other local churches for gospel advancement. We plant churches where there is local access to healthy churches.
Plant: Limited Access We plant churches to increase the presence of healthy churches where there are few. We plant churches where there is limited access to healthy churches.
Plant: No Access We plant churches to introduce a healthy church where there is none. We plant churches where there is no access to healthy churches.

go moments
We Send Disciples to seize today’s gospel moments. Our everyday moments become Go Moments when we seize the opportunity to make Jesus known.
Grow in sharing the gospel by walking through an equipping resource with someone else or your Go group:
Sharing the Gospel in Everyday Life Blueprint Guide
What is the Gospel? Blueprint Guide
Speaking the Gospel to the Head and the Heart Blueprint Guide
Download some of the apps below to help start or walk though gospel conversations:
The Story
Three Circles
Questions In A Box
Memorize Scripture:
2 Corinthians 7:10 – “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.”
Romans 10:9 – “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Acts 2:38 – “And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Learn how to pray for Go Trip teams, Go partner needs, and global advancement of the gospel at

go trips & Seasons
We Send Disciples on Go Trips to proclaim the gospel as we Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, Reach the Unreached, and Plant Churches. Go Trips are strategic short-term trips (1-7 weeks).

Give2Go is a missions fund established for the TCBC church family to participate together to make Jesus known around the world. It is the primary opportunity for members to give above and beyond regular tithes and offerings toward advancing the gospel and making disciples. Together, as God provides through the sacrificial generosity of His church, we will multiply our capacity to advance the gospel across our five Go Pursuits (Send Disciples, Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, Reach the Unreached, and Plant Churches).
Go Resources
Great Commission Equipping
Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy Of God In Missions – John Piper
Missions: How the Local Church Goes Global (9Marks: Building Healthy Churches) – Andy Johnson
Finish the Mission: Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached and Unengaged – John Piper
The Missions Podcast – Alex Kocman & Scott Dunford
Amazon to the Himalayas – Paul Akin
International Mission Board
North American Mission Board
Joshua Project