

What Is Give2Go?

Give2Go is a missions fund established for TCBC family to participate together and make Jesus known around the world. It is the primary opportunity for TCBC members to give above and beyond regular tithes and offerings toward advancing the gospel and making disciples. Together, as God provides through the sacrificial generosity of His church, we will multiply our capacity to advance the gospel across 5 Go Pursuits: Send Disciples, Reach the Unreached, Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, and Plant Churches.

(indicate Give2Go in the description box)

Ways To Give

Give2Go is funded through the generosity of the TCBC families. Gifts are tax deductible. 

On Campus Gifts of cash or check may be designated anytime through the campus offering. 

Online You can give online here using your credit/debit card. Or, log into your bank’s online service and send a payment to TCBC. Be sure to designate the gift is for “Give2Go.”

Legacy Gifts

Through Give2Go your giving can continue beyond your lifetime and advance the gospel to future generations. Some donations carry significant tax benefits. Consult a tax advisor with any questions you have about assets or wills, and then contact the TCBC Stewardship Team. 

Assets: Trust funds, inheritances, stocks, real estate, mutual funds and other valuables can be invested for kingdom work. 

Planned Giving: Annuities, living trusts, life insurance, wills and more offer opportunities for stewarding assets, even after death. 

Memorial and Honor Gifts: Demonstrate your love and appreciation for someone while contributing to expand the reach of the gospel.

ministry partners

Learn more about some of the organizations and churches we invest in.