If you’re considering making TCBC your church home, Discover Tri-Cities (DTC) is for you.
DTC is offered in two formats. A 3-session format meets weekly on Wednesday night at 6:30pm. And, several times a year DTC is also offered in a comprehensive format on Sunday afternoons. All sessions meet in room 100 downstairs by the elevator.
kids and students
Tri-Cities honors the family as the foundational institution of human society and primary setting for discipling the next generation. Our NextGen Team encourages families to worship together and offers groups for every member of the family. We exists to equip families to find their joy in Jesus Christ.
What To Expect
Tri-Cities Baptist Church is a family. We gather for worship, but we are not a service. We are a people. We gather to worship God together! Our teaching team proclaims truths from God’s Word through expositional sermons that lead to practical application. We also worship through prayer, singing, the Lord’s Supper, baptism, and giving. There is no expectation or pressure for guests to worship through giving.
When You Arrive
We gather in the auditorium for worship, right inside the main doors through the breezeway on the upper level. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before service to give you time to find a seat and meet our team.
We gather to worship as families and welcome children of all ages! Kids Gathering Guides are provided as a resource at the auditorium entrances. The weekly guides are designed to help your child engage during the worship time and follow along with the Sunday message.
Following the service, we would love to meet you at The Hub in the upper atrium (to the left as you exit the gathering) and help you connect further with our church family, answer questions, and pray with you.
NextGen and Adult Groups
Preschool (Newborn – Pre K)
9:30am and 11:00am – Preschool Hall (check in upstairs)
Elementary (Kindergarten – 5th Grade)
9:30am or 11:00am – Elementary Hall (check in downstairs) Elementary children are encouraged to worship with their families one hour.
Middle School meets at 9:30am – Outpost building
High School meets at 11:00am – Outpost building
Go Groups at 9:30am or 11:00am – Adult Hall (downstairs)
View our Go Groups
Contact Us
For more information about TCBC or to request a contact from one of our staff members, please fill out our Get Connected card! We look forward to meeting you in person.
What We Believe
A local church is a redeemed community of Jesus followers on mission together. We are not a building, location, or program. We are a family. Together we are defined by the foundational principles that ground us, the core practices that guide us and the membership promises we make to one another as God’s family.
View our Principles, Practices, and Promises
View our Statement of Faith
There is something for all ages on Wednesdays!
Every Jesus follower should belong to and commit in membership to a healthy local church. The local church is a family. We are committed to love one another. It is our responsibility to one another that leads us to membership. It is your responsibility to choose vulnerability, fellowship, and allow the church to serve you. Every member affirms TCBC’s Membership Promises and commits to prioritize the well being and growth of the entire body.
Membership Promises
Learn More About Becoming A Member Of TCBC
the gospel
The Gospel is Good News! The Gospel is the message that God saves sinners. The Gospel is the story of God sending His own son Jesus Christ, to bear the penalty for our sin by dying in our place. But to understand why the Gospel is such good news, it is vital to understand the storyline of history found in the Bible.