


We worship in regular generosity by acknowledging God as our provider and sustainer. Giving should be a joyful response to a life changed by the gospel with recognition that our trust is in Jesus. Therefore, our giving is not done in obligation nor routine. We invite you to pray and reflect on what God has done for you in Christ that you may respond cheerfully.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8 ESV Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.  

Our giving platform, PushPay, is integrated with myHub. With this platform, you will be able to easily set up recurring gifts, select different funds, and pay for events directly. When you create an account using your email and phone number, you will be able to easily track your giving history throughout the year and manage any recurring gifts.

Why do I need to create a PushPay account to give online?

Creating a PushPay account allows you to fully access all of the tools at your disposal to prioritize and plan your consistent giving throughout the year. This will make the giving process simple so that you are able to focus on prayerfully considering how to respond to the gospel in cheerful generosity.

What if I want to give to multiple funds?

The best practice with PushPay would be to make one gift per fund. For example, if you would like to give $100 total but wish to give $50 to the General Fund and $50 to Give2Go, you would need to make two separate gifts of $50 each designated for those funds.

Will I still be able to give cash and checks?

Of course! If you prefer to give via cash or check, please use the drop boxes outside the Auditorium doors.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Stewardship Team.


Give2Go is the primary opportunity for our members to give above and beyond regular tithes and offerings to advance the gospel and make disciples. As God provides through the sacrificial generosity of His church, the result will be a significantly increased capacity for our church toward five Go Pursuits: Send Disciples, Serve the Vulnerable, Reach the Unreached, Train Leaders, and Plant Churches.

Learn More About Give2Go


A church budget, like a family budget, is a lot more than numbers. It reveals priorities. Our budget both reflects and advances the Principles and Practices of TCBC. A budget involves every member of the family, and represents the challenge to every person who calls Tri-Cities their church home to prayerfully participate through regular financial giving.

View Our 2025 Budget Proposal


Please designate where you would like your giving to go (Tithe, Give2Go, Seminary Training, etc.)

– Unless otherwise designated all giving will be allocated toward the General Budget.

– For contribution statements we need your name and complete mailing address. If you have any questions please contact the Stewardship Team.

– Per IRS regulations, gifts postmarked or received in-hand Jan 1 or later will be posted in the new calendar year, regardless of check date. Gifts postmarked or received in-hand Dec 31 or earlier will be posted in the previous calendar year.

– Tri-Cities Baptist Church reserves the right to use all gifts as required for the ongoing ministries of the church.