Discover Tri-Cities old

Discover Tri-Cities old

If you are new or not connected, then Discover TCBC is for you!

Sundays 9:30am & 11:00am

Each Sunday we meet downstairs (room 100) next to to the elevator. Discover is designed for anyone who is new or not connected. The format is open, so you don’t have to register before coming. And if you get lost along the way, ask any of our greeters or stop by the Give2Go cafe. Any of them can point you in the right direction. 

This is an informal class, based around discussion. If you’re considering making TCBC your church home, then it’s important that you get to know the people! Included in those people are our pastors/elders. During each class, we’ll discuss one of our core principles or practices. These are the biblical ideas and activities that shape us as a local body of Christ.

Why Membership Matters

Membership is not about stuffing backoffice role sheets. No, membership is how we watch out for each other. Jesus talked about it like this: the Shepherd leaves the 99 safely behind to go after the 1 that’s strayed. And so it is with membership. We challenge each other, pray for each other, and help each other grow.

Membership Promises

Statement of Faith


Connect In A GO Group

Go Groups are different from Discover. These are groups of disciples of Jesus each led by a disciple-maker with an intentional plan to take a next step of growth toward Christlikeness through consistent investment. Go Groups provide biblical community and discipling opportunities for every follower of Jesus.  There are three different kinds: GO Fellowship Groups, doing life together; GO Study Groups, diving into God’s Word; and GO Serve Groups, where we reach out into our community.