GO Make Disciples

GO Make Disciples

June 30, 2022
GO Make Disciples
Elder Letter by Mike Laughrun

Jesus said GO! Every Jesus follower is commanded, empowered, and commissioned by Jesus to GO and make disciples. That was made clear by Jesus at the beginning of His ministry in the gospel of Mark:

and Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” – Mark 1:17

Jesus gave this same command to His disciples at the end of His earthly ministry:

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20

The Discipleship Blueprint is TCBC’s process of equipping disciples for disciple-making consisting of a Pathway, Process, and Plan. At TCBC we aim to Equip and Send Disciples to carry out this Great Commission personally both among our neighbors and the nations through:

  • GO Moments – Disciples making known the Gospel message
  • GO Groups – Disciples making disciples personally
  • GO Trips – Disciples making disciples globally through short-term trips (1-7 weeks)
  • GO Seasons – Disciples making disciples globally through mid-term trips (2 months-2 years)
  • GO Stays – Disciples making disciples globally through long-term mission appointments (2 years or longer)

When disciple-makers are actively engaging others for intentional discipleship, we call that a GO Group. Go Groups can be made up of two people or 50 people as disciple-makers are actively discipling others by adding what is missing, expanding what is growing, and restoring what is neglected. GO Groups have 3 aims:

  • Study: devoted to biblical truth and doctrine
  • Fellowship: taking the truth of the Word into our relationships
  • Serve: living out the truths of Scripture in serving others
    We long for every member of TCBC to be in at least one GO Group as well as leading GO Groups. Remember, every Jesus follower is not only a disciple growing personally, but is also called to be a disciple maker, actively helping others grow toward Christlikeness.

Let’s GO Make Disciples,