

Jesus Is Better

Our righteousness is found in Christ alone. Our traditions, customs, and culture do not provide us any inheritance or standing before God, and thus cannot be the lens through which we view our relationship with Him. The epistle to the Hebrews highlights that these things cannot save us and reminds that our identity is not found in them, but rather in Jesus who is better. Jesus followers are exhorted to look to Him, endure to the end, and warned not to fall away. Jesus is better!

Find resources for your family to help your study of Hebrews on this page.

reading plan

The Old Testament is quoted and alluded to throughout Hebrews. The author reflects on Jewish traditions, customs, and heroes of the faith in order to show Jesus’ supremacy over them all. An understanding of these themes and individuals gives us a greater comprehension of the teaching of Hebrews. This reading plan walks through the entire Old Testament. 

Each week includes two sections: weekly study and weekly reading. The weekly study text follows along with the primary preaching text for the week, coming from Hebrews or key cross references. The weekly reading is a book of the Old Testament.



Commentaries are Bible reference tools that contain observations and explanations of biblical text. Use a commentary to aid your study of a passage, answer questions that arise during your own time of in-depth study, or to help remind you of primary themes throughout the book.
The recommended Hebrews commentaries below are also available in the Resource Center.

Study Bibles

A study Bible is a helpful study tool that contains the full Bible text with additional resources. They often include tables, charts, articles, outlines, and book introductions, as well as brief commentary notes on many verses and passages.
View a recommended study Bible below or in the Resource Center.


View video and audio recordings from a two-day course from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary that walks through key theological observations and applications throughout the epistle to the Hebrews.

jesus is better series

Intro to Hebrews

The epistle to the Hebrews is saturated with rich theology that reminds readers that Jesus is better and He is supreme over everything that we are tempted to trust in. With its anonymity and extensive references to Old Testament Jewish culture, Hebrews also poses unique interpretive challenges. Use the resources below to aid in your introductory study to the book of Hebrews.

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Bible Study

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Series: Jesus is the Better Revelation

Our first series, Jesus is the Better Revelation, examines Hebrews 1-2. God has made Himself known through Jesus. His revelation is superior to that of even the angels, for He Himself is God in the flesh. “Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest” (2:17).

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Is the Bible Trustworthy?

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Series: Jesus is the Better Rest

We long for rest. In our sin, we look to satisfy this craving in all kinds of ways. Hebrews reminds us that not only is it the Lord who promises rest and is the one who will bring us into His rest, but that Jesus himself is our rest. We will find our rest in Him alone. 

This series walks through Hebrews 3:1-4:13. The Israelites rebelled against God as they were led by Moses in the wilderness, and they were not able to enter the Lord’s rest because of their unbelief. We will see that the Lord models rest for us, foreshadows rest for the Hebrews, and promises that in Christ we can strive to enter His rest.

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Battling Busyness Through Devotion to Jesus

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Series: Jesus is the Better High Priest

In the Old Testament, the high priest offered sacrifices in order to atone for sin. These descendents of Levi who filled this role were the only ones able to enter into the holy places where the presence of God dwelt. The people of Israel needed these priests to make sacrifices on their behalf so that they could receive forgiveness for their sins.

Israel’s high priests sacrificed animals; Jesus gave up Himself (Heb 7:27). Israel’s high priests also had to atone for their own sins; Jesus is a holy and innocent sacrifice (Heb 7:26). Israel’s high priests had to continually make these sacrifices; Jesus was a sacrifice for us “once for all” (Heb 7:27). Jesus is the Better High Priest!

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Praying Scripture

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Series: Warning: Do Not Be Sluggish

This series covers Hebrews 5:11-6:18. Having seen throughout the book of Hebrews that Jesus is better than any tradition or pursuit, readers are given warnings of how to respond. We are warned not to neglect our salvation lest we drift away from it (2:1), warned against failing to enter rest due to disbelief and disobedience (4:1-6), and warned not to be dull, or sluggish, in our faith (5:11, 6:12). This series reminds us that if we have tasted the goodness of God’s Word, we must be active to guard against becoming dull towards the things of God and to pursue maturity in the faith. 

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Foundational Spiritual Disciplines

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Series: Jesus is the Better Covenant

Our series Jesus is the Better Covenant looks at Hebrews 7:11-9:28 and continues the author’s building argument and main theme throughout the book of Hebrews, proclaiming that Jesus is better! Not only is He the better high priest who offers sacrifice for our sins as the mediator between us and God, but He mediates a better covenant. Israel could not keep the law under the covenant of Moses because of their sin and disobedience, but Jesus guarantees a better covenant by which we can have salvation.

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Multiply

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Series: Jesus is the Better Sacrifice

Our series Jesus is the Better Sacrifice looks at Hebrews 10:1-18, declaring that not only is Jesus our better high priest who guarantees a better covenant, but that He Himself is the better sacrifice. The priests of the Old Testament and the sacrifices that they offered for sin were but a shadow of the Christ to come. The blood of animals could not cover the sins of the people, and so Israel offered sacrifices continually for their sins. Jesus was a sacrifice “once for all” that is sufficient for our atonement, forgiveness, salvation, and sanctification. Jesus is better!

Blueprint Guide spotlight: New Life in Jesus

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Series: Jesus is the Better Hope

Our series Jesus is the Better Hope covers Hebrews 10:19-12:2. Jesus is the better high priest, the mediator of a better covenant, and a better sacrifice for the sins of God’s people. These realities bring a better hope, one that is not mere wishful thinking, but that is sure and steady and anchors the soul. Through many examples of faithful worshipers in the Old Testament, we see hope and faith that changes the way we live as we look to Jesus who is better.

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Love Your Church

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Series: Jesus is the Better Endurance

Our series Jesus is the Better Endurance looks at Hebrews 12 and the results of an endurance that is given and assured through our faith in Jesus. We endure by considering Jesus, by trusting that His discipline of us reveals our sonship, and by pursuing holiness. We endure because of all that Christ is– a better rest, high priest, covenant, and sacrifice. We endure because we have unending access through the unending covenant by His blood, enduring worship of the King and Judge overall, and a kingdom that cannot be shaken. 

Blueprint Guide spotlight: Awe

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Series: Jesus is the Better Pursuit

Our series Jesus is the Better Pursuit finishes our study of Hebrews with Hebrews 13, which deals with much of how we practically apply the realities of Christ’s supremacy. The worship life of the Old Testament has been refocused onto Jesus. If He is better, how do we live? What do we do in light of his priesthood, his covenant, his sacrifice, and his hope? 

Blueprint Guides 

  • Everyday Conversations: “Let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.” (Heb 13:15)
  • Christ-Centered Marriage: “Let marriage be held in honor among all.” (Heb 13:4)
  • Love Your Church: “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God.” (Heb 13:7)
  • Making Disciples of Jesus: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb 13:8)
  • What is the Gospel?: “Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings.” (Heb 13:9)
  • Battling Busyness: “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” (Heb 13:16)

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