Observing Next Steps

Observing Next Steps

The call on every Jesus follower’s life is to be both a disciple and a disciple maker. This means personally pursuing next steps of obedience in following Jesus, and intentionally equipping others to do the same.

Helping others take a next step of obedience begins with observation. We look at one another’s lives, we ask questions, we pray for guidance, and we talk about what we are observing. Together, we strive to add what is missing, expand what is already growing, or restore what has been neglected in the pursuit of our Savior. The goal of observation is always to help others pursue maturity, becoming more like Jesus.

This observation resource is designed for disciple makers who have someone they want to invest in, but aren’t sure where to start. Each of these next steps listed below are a step of submission, deepening trust in God. These steps are not exhaustive, and most are not one-time actions. Each is a pursuit that grows as we continue in maturity.

The next steps on this page are designed for those who already have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus. If you are unsure of someone’s understanding of the gospel, or whether or not they have repented of their sin and placed saving faith in Jesus, a conversation about the gospel is where you need to start. You can learn more about how to share the gospel here.

Be Baptized

Baptism is a public confession of saving faith in Jesus that was modeled by Jesus and the early church. It is a practice that signifies a believer’s faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior. If you have not been baptized upon becoming a follower of Jesus, then this is the next step of obedience for you. (Matthew 3:13–17, Acts 2:41, Romans 6:4)


The church body gathers weekly to celebrate the greatness and grace of God in Jesus, to experience His unique presence in our midst, and to demonstrate that we belong to the body of Christ that is bigger than ourselves. Gathering for worship is an essential part of the Christian life. (Hebrews 10:24–25, Acts 2:42, Acts 14:23)


It is not possible to be fully obedient as a Jesus follower without committing to a local church. This commitment begins with church membership and continues through faithful and consistent pursuit of the membership promises. (Ephesians 2:19–22, Matthew 16:15–19, 1 Thessalonians 5:11–24)

Study Scripture

The Bible is our primary source of truth. We can know God because He has revealed Himself to us through His Word. Therefore, reading and studying Scripture is a regular practice for the faithful Jesus follower. (2 Timothy 3:16–17, Matthew 24:35, Isaiah 55:11)


Jesus followers pursue a healthy, abiding relationship with God by talking to Him in prayer. (Philippians 4:6–7, Mark 11:24, Romans 8:26)

  • Action Step: Spend time every day in prayer before God
  • Resource: ACTS Prayer Guide
  • Resource: Praying Scripture Blueprint Guide


Jesus followers give generously of their time, money, and resources through the local church. (Acts 20:33-35, 1 Corinthians 16:2, 2 Corinthians 8-9)

  • Action Step: Prioritize the work of the church on your calendar and in your budget.
  • Resource: Cultivating Generosity Blueprint Guide


Every Jesus follower has each been given gifts, talents, and experiences that can be used to sacrifically serve others. (Romans 12:3–8, John 13:34–35, Luke 14:12–14)


Every Jesus follower has a responsibility to share the good news of the gospel. (Psalm 96:3, 1 Peter 3:15, Matthew 28:19)

  • Action Step: Choose one person in your life who does not know Jesus. Make a plan and commit to having a gospel conversation with them.
  • Resource: Sharing the Gospel in Everyday Life Blueprint Guide


Jesus followers help others grow as followers of Jesus. (Matthew 28:19–20, 2 Timothy 2:1–2, Hebrews 3:12–14)

  • Action Step: Find someone (or a group) that you can help to take their next step.
  • Resource: Making Disciples of Jesus Blueprint Guide

For more resources aimed at helping you and those you are investing in take next steps of obedience throughout every phase of spiritual maturity, visit tcbchurch.org/blueprintguides.