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testing 3

Neighbors & Nations: train leaders
november 17-24, 2024 

Tri-Cities is a redeemed community of Jesus followers on mission together. Neighbors & Nations is a week-long emphasis twice a year designed to equip and mobilize us for gospel advancement beginning next door and reaching around the world.

Our emphasis for this Neighbors & Nations is our Go pursuit of Train Leaders.

We Train Leaders to equip churches to make disciples who make disciples and advance the gospel. Healthy churches reach the unreached. By training leaders we advance the gospel to people groups and regions that would otherwise be out of reach. Training is prioritized according to access and multiplication potential.

Go Pursuits facilitate strategic investment and outreach to our neighbors and to the nations, partnering with gospel ministries locally, nationally, and globally.


It is impossible to put too much of an emphasis on prayer. Time spent in prayer is never lost or wasted. There is an inescapable link between prayer and gospel advancement. We are incapable of changing the hearts of the people we love. By prayer, we invite God to do what only he can do in the lives of the people around us. 

Daily Prayer Guide: ?????


Give2Go is a missions fund established for TCBC family to participate together to make Jesus known around the world. It is the primary opportunity for TCBC members to give above and beyond regular tithes and offerings toward advancing the gospel and making disciples. Together, as God provides through the sacrificial generosity of His church, we will multiply our capacity to advance the gospel across 5 Go Pursuits.

Learn More About Give2Go


We believe in the command to “Go” and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. This can be done through Go Trips to places far away from the Tri-Cities. Faithful Jesus followers are also called to take advantage of Go Moments in our everyday lives and as we serve our community.

We Send Disciples to seize today’s gospel moments. Our everyday moments become Go Moments when we seize the opportunity to make Jesus known.

Every member of TCBC is challenged this week to consider three people inside your spheres of influence who you can actively pursue with the gospel. Who are your 3 names?

Go Moments

View resources to help you share the gospel!

Go Serve

Serve and Share is a platform to connect TCBC’s people to local partners. Joining in ministry opportunities with local partners gives TCBC’s people a chance to share the gospel with those in our community while providing tangible resources to our partners. Serve and Share does not take the place of personal evangelism that faithful followers of Christ are called to daily, but allows us “batting cage” opportunities to practice Go Moments.

Click here to sign up for a Serve and Share opportunity during Neighbors & Nations.

Go Trips

We Send Disciples on GO Trips to proclaim the gospel as we Serve the Vulnerable, Train Leaders, Reach the Unreached, and Plant Churches. GO Trips are strategic short-term trips (1-7 weeks).

View 2025 Go Trips