Worldview Forum

Worldview Forum

The Worldview Forum is a new resource we are building at TCBC. Our desire is to help you better engage with a culture that is continually growing more hostile toward a biblical worldview. We purposefully engage with our culture so that we can share with them the hope of Jesus (Phil 1:19-21), which God has given us as our work to do (2 Cor 5:20).

Creation & Gender

On January 5th, the Worldview Forum hosted an event where Dr. Alan White spoke on the topics of Creation and Gender from a biblical worldview.

About Dr. Alan White, PhD

Alan White earned his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Tennessee and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Harvard University in 1981. He worked for 30 years at Eastman Chemical Company and reached the rank of Research Fellow. Alan spent his career at Eastman working in Research and Development in the fields of organic and polymer chemistry. Among his achievements are the discovery of a commercial biodegradable polymer and the improvement of many commercial polymer processes, including the new Integrex™ technology for producing the plastic from which soft drink and water bottles are made. Alan has been granted 45 U.S. patents and is an author on 18 scientific publications. 

Alan has been a follower of Christ since age 13.  During his lifetime, his two great interests have been the study of science and the Bible.  Over the last 30 years, Alan has become convinced modern scientific discoveries are in accord with the Bible, despite many claims to the contrary.  He retired in 2011 in order to spend more time in research, writing, and speaking on science and the Bible.  Recently, Alan audited about 65 hours of courses at Southern Seminary.  Alan has taught in many venues in the US. He has been on five lecture tours to Peru, where he has spoken in many churches and universities.  He has also spoken in Canada, Chile, Bolivia, El Salvador, Italy, and St. Lucia.  Alan is a board member and speaker for Canopy Ministries, a Research Associate with Logos Research Associates, and an adjunct speaker for Answers In Genesis.

Alan is an active member at TCBC.

Understanding creation from a biblical worldview
Understanding gender from a biblical worldview
Resources: Creation & Gender
  • The Battle for the Beginning by John MacArthur (Amazon)
  • Glass House: Shattering the Myth of Evolution edited by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge (Alan White wrote chapter 11) (Amazon)
  • A Field Guide on Gender and Sexuality by Ligonier Ministries (Amazon)

What is a Worldview?

A worldview is the lens through which you see the world. Our worldview affects how we understand truth, how we think we come to know truth, and what we think is important. Everyone has a worldview, and it is influenced by our beliefs, culture, and context. Most of the time, we aren’t aware of how these things influence us. A biblical worldview sees the world how God sees the world and lives in line with biblical authority.

Worldview Resources
  • The Briefing: Al Mohler (president of Southern Seminary) reacts each morning to current events from a biblical worldview.
  • Cold-Case Christianity: A former “cold-case” detective investigates the merits of Christianity.
Short Reads/Videos
  • “What is Apologetics?” by John M. Frame (Crossway article)
  • “Biblical Worldview” by Alistar Begg (Youtube)
  • “On Apologetics: The Best of ‘The Crossway Podcast’” [text and audio] (Crossway)
  • What’s Your Worldview? by James N. Anderson (Amazon)
  • The Reason for God by Tim Keller (Amazon)
  • Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl (Amazon)
  • What Do I Say When . . . ?: A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Cultural Chaos for Children and Teens by Andrew & Christian Walker (Amazon)


Sometimes we have questions about how our faith works. Other times we have questions about how to relate God’s Word to others. Other times still, we’re just struggling to understand something. Send us your questions so that we can walk through this with you.