As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!
We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He guarantees a better covenant (7:22) by the better sacrifice of Himself (9:26).
The entire worship life of the Old Testament has been radically refocused onto Jesus Himself. Therefore, we’ve learned to read and study Hebrews with our Old Testaments open.
Hebrews 11 is no different. In this chapter, we see several examples of Old Testament saints who lived a life of exemplary faith. We must return to the narratives of their lives in the Old Testament to see why they are “commended through their faith” (11:39) and why they are called the “great cloud of witnesses” that surrounds us (12:1).
In our regular preaching series through our worship gatherings, we will not have time to chase each Old Testament narrative, rather we will look more generally at what their stories tell us about the results of faith in our lives.
As a supplement to our preaching series, over the next few months our teaching team will put out a podcast episode each week in a series called “By Faith” that looks specifically at the people mentioned in Hebrews 11. These elder conversations will look at one individual: what’s their story? Why is their faith exemplary? What can we, today, learn and take away from their faith? Look for these episodes each Wednesday in the e-letter, on the TCBC app, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
In this, our aim is that you would pursue practical next steps to live a life of obedient faith. For “without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him” (Heb 11:6).
Our first episode is available now on Abel! Listen here.

Mike Laughrun
Elder Oversight Team / Lead Pastor, Global Outreach
Mike Laughrun has served as Lead Pastor at Tri-Cities Baptist Church since January of 2011. He and his wife Jennifer have been married since 1995 and have five children: Josh, Joseph, Olivia, Mya, Maleah.