Elder Conversation
Pray For Our Governing Institutions
Prayer is primarily an act of worship for the Jesus follower. When we pray we confess God is sovereign, supreme, and good. We submit to His authority, holiness, and sustaining presence as we access our Father in Jesus’ name. Tennessee’s House of Representatives has formalized a resolution (HJR803) for Christians to pray this July. While the specifics center around state government, it is an opportunity to pray and acknowledge God’s ultimate authority over our earthly institutions. As you worship and…
The Church Does The Work Of Ministry Through You, Not Around You
What we’re pursuing at TCBC is costly. We are calling one another to something that requires more than what many will deem to be ‘normal.’ It may feel like a higher standard, but in the light of Scripture, it is just discipleship. Let me try to explain why. Discipleship is costly. It is death to self (Luke 14:25-33). It has been almost 100 years since Bonhoeffer penned his now famous commentary: The cross is laid on every Christian. The first…
Walk According to His Calling
As we will see in Ephesians 4, the church is one body, uniquely gifted, each part building one another up toward the full stature of Christlikeness. I asked Laura Cabaniss to summarize our study of Ephesians 1-3 and resource us to look ahead to 4-6. Laura serves TCBC in love. One of the ways she uses her gifts to build up TCBC is by resourcing our teaching ministry. She oversees Prepare and the resource pages for our studies such as…
Disciples Of Jesus Are Not Silent
Disciples of Jesus are not silent. We are sent to proclaim the good news. “And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation’” (Mark 16:15). View message notes from Sunday, March 24. As Easter approaches and we focus on Sending Disciples, be mindful of the opportunities in front of you to proclaim the gospel this week. Today I received the following text, “I used your my-favorite-holiday-is-Easter line. Probably the easiest time…
GO MOMENTS: Seizing Everyday Opportunities to Make Jesus Known
GO MOMENTS: Seizing Everyday Opportunities to Make Jesus Known Blessed. Chosen. Redeemed. Adopted. Forgiven. Sealed. Raised up. Brought near. Reconciled. According to the early chapters of Ephesians, every one of these realties is true for every Jesus follower. In Christ, God has called us according to His purpose and blessed us with every spiritual blessing. We were dead… now we have been made alive. We were separated… now we have been brought near. We were enemies… now God has reconciled…
Ephesians 3:1-13 – Bring to Light for Everyone
Ephesians 3:1-13 – Bring to Light For Everyone TCBC is studying through Ephesians. Resources and sermons are available at tcbchurch.org/ephesians. Need help getting started or have questions? Join us every Wednesday at Behind the Message. Ephesians 3:1-13 [1] For this reason I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles—[2] assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me for you, [3] how the mystery was made known to me…
Ephesians: Get Started & Get More
Ephesians: Get Started & Get More TCBC is studying through Ephesians. Resources and sermons are available at tcbchurch.org/ephesians. Need help getting started or have questions? Join us every Wednesday at Behind the Message. We’re two months into our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, and Sunday (3/3/2024) we completed chapter 2. Below you’ll find some helpful ways to catch up and get even more out of our study. Get Started It isn’t too late to join in and study…
Promises are a Big Deal
Promises are a Big Deal Ask any child, they will tell you, promises are a big deal! Promises are our way of communicating commitment. If a child gets a promise from mom or dad, they know what was a “maybe” has now become “most likely.” An Example: My daughter (Lena) and I regularly pursue daddy-daughter adventures. I remember one month when she was much younger I had promised to take Lena on a special daddy-daughter date. The plans were set for…
Pray for the Jeremiadoss Family
We have been blessed this week to have Selvin and Laurel Jeremiadoss and their family join us at TCBC. Selvin and Laurel are our strategic partners serving with the IMB in Uganda. Partners like them are one way that we are able to take part in pursuing faithfulness to the Great Commission and seeing the Lord’s kingdom advance around the world. Read the following Q&A with Selvin to learn more about their ministry and how we can partner with them…
Called Out Of Death
Ephesians 2:1–3 [1] And you were dead in the trespasses and sins [2] in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—[3] among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. Consider…
Pray for our Partners
As a church, TCBC seeks to “go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15). In this pursuit, we are connected with and support global partners such as the Booths in Portugal, the Jeremiadosses and Nobles in Uganda, the Schultzes in the Middle East, and the Watsons in South Asia, in addition to organizations such as the International Mission Board. We also work to plant churches nationally with the North American Mission Board and…
Thankful for Biblical Counseling
What do you think of when you hear the word “counseling”? What do you picture when you think about what counseling is? Maybe you have met with a counselor before, and your thoughts go to that experience. Maybe you have never met with a counselor before, and your mind imagines a counseling session looking like someone laying on a couch talking about their problems to someone else. When thinking about counseling, do you ever picture two people sitting together, with…
Thankful For The Ministry of God’s Word
I don’t know about you, but I am excited that our church is studying through the letter of Ephesians in 2024! For me personally, the Lord has used Ephesians throughout my life to grow my understanding of Him, myself, the church, and the world around me. The Lord has used Ephesians to grow my love for Him and His bride, the Church. The letter of Ephesians has grown both my love for our church and the burden I have for…
GO, No Cape Wearing Super-Christians Are Coming
Years ago I found myself teaching a course at a seminary in Southeast Asia. While there I planned to connect with a few IMB missionaries. I was early for our meeting so I waited at a table in the corner. I remember almost being nervous as I waited. These were the real deal, IMB missionaries in a life-threatening environment. They had to sacrifice many basic comforts and faced persecution, yet bravely shared Jesus to whole communities who had never before heard His name. I expected…
Pursue One Another
Watch the video above from Pastor Paul!
Study Ephesians
There are precious treasures ahead for TCBC in 2024! This Sunday we begin our 7-month, verse-by-verse study of Ephesians. This New Testament epistle is rich in doctrine and prescriptive instruction for Christian living. Notice two overarching themes. First, in Christ, we are called according to His purpose. Second, in Christ, we walk according to His calling. We have been set apart in Christ by the grace of God for his glory, therefore let us live accordingly. In order to help…
Advent: Wait With Purpose
Jesus is the Christ. What did this mean for the Old Testament prophets we have been reading about in this week’s Advent reading plan? What does it mean for us? How does it help us remember to anticipate this Advent season? Advent Resources Family Discipleship Plan Christmas Give Mike Laughrun Elder Oversight Team / Lead Pastor, Global Outreach Mike Laughrun has served as Lead Pastor at Tri-Cities Baptist Church since January of 2011. He and his wife Jennifer have been…
Advent: Elder Conversation
Jesus is the Christ. What did this mean for the Old Testament prophets we have been reading about in this week’s Advent reading plan? What does it mean for us? How does it help us remember to anticipate this Advent season? Advent Resources Family Discipleship Plan Christmas Give Daniel Broyles Elder / Pastor Teaching/Vision Daniel Broyles has served as the Leadership Pastor and Elder at Tri-Cities Baptist Church since 2012. He is married to his wife Amy and they have…
November 26 – Budget and Advent
Pastors Mike, Paul, and Daniel discuss the 2024 Budget proposal and Advent.
Neighbors & Nations Elder Conversation
Listen to a Neighbors and Nations Elder Conversation with Zane Pratt and Mike Laughrun. Going beyond one week of Neighbors and Nations To learn more about our sending opportunities as a church, read Pastor Gene’s letter below To learn more about how to share the gospel, visit tcbchurch.org/gomoments To pray for gospel opportunities around the world, visit imb.org/pray To give to Give2Go, visit tcbchurch.org/give2go To go on an upcoming trip, visit tcbchurch.org/gotrips Letter by Gene MermilliodAs one of the pastors…
By Faith: Time Would Fail
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Rahab
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Joshua
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Israel
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Moses
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Joseph
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Jacob
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Isaac
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith: Abraham Part II
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…
By Faith – Sarah
As we’ve been studying and preaching through Hebrews this year, we’ve seen the resounding beat of the same drum over and over: Jesus is better!We’ve looked at answers to the question– “Better than what?” He is better than the revelation of the angels and the prophets (1:1-2). He is better than the rest that Joshua could not give (4:8-10). He is better than the high priests who had to offer continual sacrifices, including for their own sins (5:3, 9-10). He…