August 4, 2022
Elder Letter by Paul Mermilliod
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers… Acts 2:42
When we read about the early church in the book of Acts, one of the things that stands out about their pursuit is the word “devotion.” They were devoted to Jesus, and devoted to pursuing Jesus alongside Jesus’ people, the church. We live in a cultural moment where it has become normalized for our pursuit of Jesus alongside His church to become a secondary priority largely dependent upon our convenience; however, this is not the picture that God has given us in Scripture.
As we come into a new semester, our elders want to encourage you to reevaluate the priority of your pursuit of Jesus alongside His people. Our goal as a church family is not to get people to attend programs and events. Our aim is to help one another live for the glory of King Jesus above all else!
Over the coming weeks we will be highlighting ways you and your family can take next steps of engagement and growth alongside our church family. We can’t wait to worship with you, be built up alongside you, and be sent out on mission together to make Jesus known!