Posts by Jeremy Bledsoe

Posts by Jeremy Bledsoe

Thankful for Biblical Counseling

What do you think of when you hear the word “counseling”? What do you picture when you think about what counseling is? Maybe you have met with a counselor before, and your thoughts go to that experience. Maybe you have never met with a counselor before, and your mind imagines a counseling session looking like someone laying on a couch talking about their problems to someone else. When thinking about counseling, do you ever picture two people sitting together, with…

Thankful For The Ministry of God’s Word

I don’t know about you, but I am excited that our church is studying through the letter of Ephesians in 2024! For me personally, the Lord has used Ephesians throughout my life to grow my understanding of Him, myself, the church, and the world around me. The Lord has used Ephesians to grow my love for Him and His bride, the Church.  The letter of Ephesians has grown both my love for our church and the burden I have for…

Wise Practices: How Do You Pray For Others?

Our current letter series “Wise Practices” aims to share practical knowledge and wisdom to help us grow as doers of the word. Each letter will share applied methods and answer a ‘how.’ These practices are not perfect or comprehensive. They are personal testimonies; shared knowledge and wisdom gained through pursuit and service that helped facilitate growth in our lives. We pray they help you grow as well. I am so thankful to the Lord for gifting us the ability to…

My Study Of Hebrews

If you have kids in elementary school, you are probably aware of A.R. (Accelerated Reader) tests. The A.R. program is designed to help students grow in their reading skills, to include reading comprehension. Throughout the A.R. program, students take tests to measure their comprehension of the books they have read. These tests measure the student’s understanding of the book’s context, purpose, themes,and main points. My kiddos typically do well when tested if they were actively engaged in the book they…

Celebrating Christmas

Over the past several years, Matthew 1:1-16 has become one of my favorite passages of Scripture to study during Christmas. I must confess though, in the past I found this passage of Scripture to be quite boring. I used to see these verses as just a list of names I had to quickly read through in order to get to the “good stuff.” It wasn’t until I really began to appreciate the Old Testament that I began to appreciate the…

Equipping Others To Follow Jesus Through A Resource

November 2, 2022Equipping Others To Follow Jesus Through A ResourceElder Letter by Jeremy Bledsoe If you haven’t read Pastor David’s elder letter from last week, you really should. In fact, here is the link for you to access his letter. In his letter, David gives solid and practical advice for how to study the Bible. He also provided a model of the Inductive Bible Study Method that I plan to print out and keep in my Bible as a guide…

Membership Promises

July 7, 2022Membership PromisesElder Letter by Jeremy Bledsoe During my time serving in the military, I learned many valuable lessons. One of those lessons was that everyone must be committed to accomplishing the mission at hand. This means that everyone must be committed to fulfilling their assigned duty. A lack of commitment by anyone on the team could create a ripple effect that would affect the team’s ability to effectively carry out the mission. While the military carries out many…

Equip The Saints

June 16, 2022Equip The SaintsElder Letter by Jeremy Bledsoe I am very thankful for the investment that TCBC has made in my life over the past 11 years! I am thankful for the spiritual investment that our leaders and church family have made in my life and the life of my family. I cannot express how much I value the discipleship I have received. The discipleship that has taught me what it means to be a growing disciple of Jesus…