My Study Of Hebrews

My Study Of Hebrews

If you have kids in elementary school, you are probably aware of A.R. (Accelerated Reader) tests. The A.R. program is designed to help students grow in their reading skills, to include reading comprehension. Throughout the A.R. program, students take tests to measure their comprehension of the books they have read. These tests measure the student’s understanding of the book’s context, purpose, themes,and main points. My kiddos typically do well when tested if they were actively engaged in the book they just read. They typically do not do well if they read the book, but they did not actively engage in the book. So, why am I telling you this?

I have read Hebrews several times in my life, but this year is the first time that I have engaged in a deep study of Hebrews.

In the past, I have read through Hebrews to complete a reading plan or studied a section of Hebrews when looking up a cross reference, but this is the first time I have sought to grow in having a deep understanding of this particular letter. This is the first time that I have engaged in the pursuit of gaining a deeper understanding of the context, purpose, themes, main points, and implications of this letter. If you haven’t pursued doing this yourself, I encourage you to join me in this pursuit! You can find several resources to help you in your study of Hebrews by visiting our resource page. Included on the resource page is our Bible reading plan, that will guide you through how to study the Old Testament in order to gain a better understanding of Hebrews. On the resource page, you will also find suggested commentaries. I am personally using Tom Schreiner’s, Hebrews: Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary, which is one of the suggested commentaries found on our Hebrews resource page.

So what have I learned so far during my study of Hebrews? Over the past two months, I have seen how Hebrews beautifully unpacks the supremacy of Jesus and how Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises. I have seen the importance of keeping my eyes on our Supreme King, lest I drift away to following something lesser than Him.

Not only has the Lord taught me this through Hebrews, but He has also used Hebrews to awaken a desire to gain a better understanding of the Old Testament as well. I often pray for a deeper desire to love God’s Word, and Hebrews is awakening that desire! I am thankful to the Lord for this!

As a church, we are only a few chapters into Hebrews and we have already seen that Jesus Is The Better Revelation (Hebrews 1:2), Jesus Is The Word Became Flesh (Hebrews 1:2; John 1:14), Jesus Is The Image Of The Invisible God (Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:15), Jesus Is Superior To Angels (Hebrews 1:4), Jesus Is The Propitiation Of Our Sin (Hebrews 2:17), and Jesus Is Superior To Moses (Hebrews 3:5-6). Studying Hebrews with our church family has been amazing so far and I am looking forward to continuing our study of Hebrews together in 2023!

With much love and in Christ,

Jeremy Bledsoe

Elder / Member Care Pastor

Jeremy and Aerial have been married since 2005 and have served at Tri-Cities since 2010. They have four children: Camille, Clayton, Chandler, and Carson.