Promises are a Big Deal

Promises are a Big Deal

Promises are a Big Deal

Ask any child, they will tell you, promises are a big deal!  Promises are our way of communicating commitment.  If a child gets a promise from mom or dad, they know what was a “maybe” has now become “most likely.”

An Example:

My daughter (Lena) and I regularly pursue daddy-daughter adventures. I remember one month when she was much younger I had promised to take Lena on a special daddy-daughter date.  The plans were set for Thursday night.  She was so excited.  Her enthusiasm increased more with each passing day until it was Thursday.  As the day passed, it became apparent to me that I was not going to be able to go on our daddy-daughter date.  I didn’t reach this conclusion quickly or easily, after all, I had promised her.  We sat down and I explained that we were going to need to reschedule.  She quickly replied, “Daddy, you promised?”  My heart sank with shame as I explained that I had tried really hard.  Something I could not have foreseen had happened and was going to prevent me from keeping my promise.  I told her we would go tomorrow.  We did and there was ice cream.  “Best daddy-daughter date ever!” she proclaimed.


A Promise Is:

  • Declaration 

A promise is communicated.  It is stated and shared.  Lena was excited because I told her my intentions to take her on a special daddy-daughter date.  There would have been no excitement if I had not declared my promise.

  • Intentional

A promise is declared intent.  Lena knew my plan and intentions.  She could get excited about and count on our daddy-daughter date.

  • Commitment

A promise is a declaration of devotion.  It prioritizes one’s intentions to fulfill the promise.  My promise to Lena was a commitment to her.

A Promise Is Not:

  • Thoughtless

A promise is not made lightly.  Promises often require sacrifices.  My promise to Lena was thought through, planned, and sacrificially guarded.

  • Immeasurable

A promise is not abstract.  Promises lead to action.  They are applicable and practical.  Lena could count down the days and develop a fair expectation based on my promise.  It was real and measurable.

  • Guaranteed

A promise is not a guarantee.  The Bible teaches us not to guarantee our future actions.  Our promises do not change the nature of who we are.  We are not sovereign, all-knowing, independent beings.  Only God can guarantee tomorrow.  Sometimes we will fall in the pursuit of our promises, but this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t declare our commitment to others.  Acknowledging our commitment to one another is important, especially in a family setting.  And when we fall it doesn’t mean we’re a failure.  It means we’re human.  Lena was disappointed when I fell short of my promise, but trusted my commitment and intent which led us to our daddy-daughter date the next day.  She also learned her dad is limited.  Dad pursues promises.  God and God alone makes guarantees.  

At TCBC, every member of our family makes promises to one another.  We call them membership promises.  These promises, written in our terminology, simply state biblical charges given to the church.  This week, make it a point to consider what it means to make each of these promises to the church while being promised these promises by the church.  You can find TCBC’s Membership Promises here.

Want to talk more about TCBC’s Membership Promises?  Join Wes Tucker at Discover Tri-Cities Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

Daniel Broyles

Elder / Pastor Teaching/Vision

Daniel Broyles has served as the Leadership Pastor and Elder at Tri-Cities Baptist Church since 2012. He is married to his wife Amy and they have a daughter named Lena.