Neighbors and Nations Begins This Sunday!

Neighbors and Nations Begins This Sunday!

November 9, 2022 
Neighbors and Nations Begins This Sunday! 
Elder Letter by Mike Laughrun   

Neighbors & Nations is a week-long emphasis designed to equip and mobilize TCBC for gospel advancement beginning next door and reaching around the world. (Click here to learn more about Neighbors and Nations.)  

This year, our focus is plant churches. Several guest church planters will join us during the week. Some of the church planters are current partners and others are potential partners working locally as well nationally.     

Going into Neighbors and Nations, there are three things I want to make sure you don’t miss:   

Share Week. 
God has strategically placed you in your neighborhood or at your job to be a light for him. During Neighbors and Nations, invite someone over for a Share Meal. Get to know them, and share with them one of the most important things about you (God’s grace and the Gospel). Learn more about sharing the Gospel here.   

Family Meal at Equip. 
On the 16th, our church family will get together for a Chick-fil-a family meal! Dinner begins at 5:30 in the Adult Groups space, followed by EQUIP for adults, LAUNCH for students, and AIM for kids. EQUIP will feature a panel discussion of church planters sharing God’s activity and challenging us to next steps. RSVP for the Family Meal here.   

We Go 2023 Lunch. 
Following Sunday morning services on the 20th, we’ll be looking at the 2023 Trips (which typically last a week or two) and the 2023 Season (usually a month or more). At this lunch, you can talk with trip leaders and learn more. RSVP for the We Go Lunch here.   

Let’s make Jesus known among our neighbors and the nations,

Mike Laughrun

Elder / Teaching Pastor

Mike Laughrun has served as Lead Pastor at Tri-Cities Baptist Church since January of 2011. He and his wife Jennifer have been married since 1995 and have five children.