GO MOMENTS: Seizing Everyday Opportunities to Make Jesus Known
Blessed. Chosen. Redeemed. Adopted. Forgiven. Sealed. Raised up. Brought near. Reconciled. According to the early chapters of Ephesians, every one of these realties is true for every Jesus follower. In Christ, God has called us according to His purpose and blessed us with every spiritual blessing. We were dead… now we have been made alive. We were separated… now we have been brought near. We were enemies… now God has reconciled us in Christ.
As Jesus followers, we rejoice that God reconciled us to Himself in Christ. But, what about the people in our lives every day who are still dead in sin, separated from God, and without hope in the world? How will they hear the message of reconciliation, the message of the Gospel? The apostle Paul charges us,
(18) All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; (19) that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. (20) Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
– 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
The Bible is clear… those whom God has reconciled, He has also entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation. God entrusts the glorious message of the Gospel to His redeemed ones. God is making His appeal through us. We are His ambassadors in this world carrying the message of reconciliation to those who are still dead in sin and without hope in the world.
What are Go Moments? At TCBC, we aim to be a people, loved by God, empowered by His Spirit, entrusted with the message of reconciliation, who seize everyday opportunities in our lives to make Jesus known. When we live that way, everyday moments become Go Moments.
This coming Sunday is Neighbors and Nations, and the emphasis is Send Disciples. Every disciple is a sent disciple. Jesus Himself commissioned, authorized, and empowered every disciple to live on mission among our neighbors and the nations.
On Sunday we will challenge one another to recognize at least three people in our lives who do not know Jesus. We will make our 3-names cards available as a tool to remind us to pray for these three people and seek opportunities to share the message of the Gospel. View the 3-names card here.
On mission together,
Pastor Mike

Mike Laughrun
Elder Oversight Team / Lead Pastor, Global Outreach
Mike Laughrun has served as Lead Pastor at Tri-Cities Baptist Church since January of 2011. He and his wife Jennifer have been married since 1995 and have five children: Josh, Joseph, Olivia, Mya, Maleah.